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Jane Doe

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Monday Motivation: Neha Awasthy

Hey everyone, we welcome you to the Monday Motivation series. Today's story is different from the last one. This one is not so popular, but too much inspiring.

I was scrolling down the Quora Feed, I found this answer. This really made my day. And at that moment I decided this is going to be my next Monday Motivation series.

Who is Neha Awasthy??

The girl in the picture is Neha Awasthy. When I saw her first I started to appreciate her looks without reading the context. As I approved the text. It really made me freeze at that moment.

Neha Awasthy is suffering from Polio since her birth and walking with the help of just one of her legs with crutches.  But still refusing to give up on the belief that she'll live are a dream, just like all of us.....

What's inspiring in her life??

What's inspiring in her life? If you are asking this question to me, trust me I will answer in just 3 words "Her Whole Life".

  • She suffered a lot of criticism from being disabled.
  • she cracked  AIEEE (All India Engineering Entrance Examination) in 2010 and got into Production and Industrial Engineering at the National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur. This is a challenging decision, college campus are usually so vast. I had travel alone, through stairs, classes and do all the stuff alone.
  • She is a dancer. 
  • She has even represented our country and our institute at the international level when she along with her team, Top Guns (the aero-design team of our institute), designed and fabricated an Advanced class radio-controlled aircraft for SAE Aero Design East 2013 held at Fortworth, Texas, USA. This competition was organized by NASA. 
  • She has a dream of opening a dance school for the differently-abled kids one day. 

What hurts the most?? 

Being differently-abled comes with a lot of good wishes who unknowingly hurts a lot. The worst part of having a disease is that physical evidence of disease separates you from other people. But Neha never gave up. She is cooperative with others.

Having a physical impairment is not that make it worse but the emotional torture. Everyone judges you, suggest you and show a lot of sympathy towards them. I think what they want is to be treated normally. Not with sympathy or constant gaze of unknown.

Wrapping Up 

Having a disability won't give you a reason to give up on your dreams. It requires much more effort than others but trusts me the day you succeeded you will be more inspiring and source of motivation to others.

 Here is the  link to  the quora post

  What are most inspiring real life story?

So, never give up!! No matter what you are suffering from, emotionally, mentally, physically, psychologically.


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